Have You Been Touched by a Healer?

Manuela Rohr
5 min readOct 20, 2019

I was touched by one before I even knew what true healing meant.

It was in the Fall of 1975. He came to my class in the form of a clumsy 9-year-old boy named Rudi. I was at the beginning of my career as a Sports and Gymnastic Teacher. I had landed my dream job.

He and a handful of other kids were hiding behind the group of girls and boys following my command. It irritated me when I saw some kids in the front row glance back at them in a mean way. I waited for my moment to approach Rudi’s group without making them the center of attention. Rudi looked exhausted, his face red and sweaty and his gaze pinned to the floor. I saw fear. This moment has sketched itself in my memory and is with me here now. Why? Was my question back then and so it is today.

I was driven and gifted with my body. I was in love with speed and winning. Rudi was not. He instilled a passion in me to help those who are not as fortunate as I was. His presence opened up a window into the life of someone with physical struggles. Rudi transformed my narrow view of seeing our body as a performer.

It turned out Rudi was my healer. Healers touch lives. They show up when we need them.

I lived in a healthy body. He didn’t.

Because of Rudi, I changed my plans and studied adaptive physical education and physical therapy. And I met my match. As I write this, I’m offering a nod and a smile up to the blue sky above me. Rudi was in my life for a reason.

Before I knew it, I was able to use my passion for movement to heal others. Learning about the body-mind-soul connection is what fuels my fire to understand this life ever since.

I couldn’t know back then the tragic turn my own life would take and how much I needed to understand what healing meant.

Has your life been touched by a healer? Have you honored the gift they shared with you? Have you let them know? If you say no, please reach out to them.

Are you a healer touching lives? Do you honor your worth? Are you comfortable charging for your offerings? Can you stand up and speak about your journey and all the blessings and challenges you own? If you say no, please step up to your calling NOW.

I’m a Yoga Teacher and Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapist. My work is based on the intersection of the ancient science of yoga, Buddhism, psychology, and neuroscience.

I inspire those who want to navigate the bumpy transition from suffering to freedom. No matter how small or big the obstacles in their way.

I understand what suffering means. My life changed dramatically when I gave birth to my daughter. Sarina was born in 1990 as a micro-preemie; four months too soon she weighed one pound and fifteen ounces. She is my only child.

As I sat for six months by the incubator, begging the universe to let my girl survive, I slowly understood that Rudi was a gift delivered to me many years before. Yoga and all the other healing modalities I studied are rooted in his and my daughter’s struggle.

My daughter became my teacher.

I’m learning everything about miracles, magic, mysteries, and painful roadblocks through her. My everyday life holds toxic stress. Raising Sarina and living with her as an adult child magnifies the challenge of how we define freedom. Her chains can easily wrap itself around my ankles. Healing doesn’t take place and we’re done with it. Healing to me is tending to the fragile flower of our life when storms hit and we’re hanging on a silver thread.

The only way to not break by the challenge of living with the knowledge that Sarina will never be able to live alone is through embracing my practice. To embrace what’s possible is my life’s mantra.

I’m a healer because of Rudi and Sarina. And the many others who have shared part of their journey with me.

They taught me that there is no winner or loser in life.

Destiny delivers what it delivers. We are responsible for our lives. You can be the victim or the survivor. As you step on your mat with me, you’ll get in touch with the question of who you are on your life path and what choices you make. Are you present to your life as it changes like the seasons or are you holding on to something that is no more? Look for a healer that guides you to heal yourself.

How you show up on your mat is how you show up in life and to what destiny delivers.

Today I’m in awe as I look back on my healing path and how it weaves itself into the web of the many lives I have touched with my teachings.

I stand tall in my work as a healer and entrepreneur. I know my worth and support my family with my income, and I am proud of it.

I’m ready to change any life I touch if that’s what is wanted. I’m firm in my commitment to take the next step when it feels impossible because of the tears I cried all night. I make self-care and self-love my priority every day. That’s how I thrive. I’m your guide on this journey and you’ll know my truth. I’m not hiding my fears and struggles. I let you celebrate my victories. And I do the same for you.

As a special needs mom, I’ve walked a few miles in your shoes. If I can pause to be present to my life and my feelings, you can too.

Your life’s path belongs to you. And your body faithfully walks with you everywhere you go. You can learn to listen to your body’s wisdom, it will be your guide and support your healing.

Let the healers on your journey reach you. They show up in many forms. Let them hold space for you and help you to embrace what’s possible.

This story appeared first as a guest post for Laura Di Francos Brave Healer Production www.lauradifranco.com



Manuela Rohr

I am a writer, a body-mind expert, and the mother of a micro-preemie girl. I share my healing journey in my writings and teachings. www.manuelarohr.com